The Krypt
Covid-19 Safety Plan
Our Covid-19 Safety Plan for private events:
Please take a moment to review the below protocols we have put into place for everyone's safety.
The health and safety of our guests and team is our first priority, and therefore, we want to explain what you can expect from your experience with us. Things are quite different for all of us, so your patience and kindness will be truly appreciated as wee navigate. Please note below a few of the main changes wee have put in place:
All private events will require the name and contact information for all guests in attendance.
Masks are required upon entry, exit, and moving about.
The entrance to The Krypt is to the rear of the centre where we have lots of parking. Upon entry, there is a sanitization station set up at the bottom of the stairs. Masks are mandatory for entry and moving about.
You will be escorted to your table by one of our team members who will be happy to take any and all orders during your stay. Anything you need, please don’t hesitate to ask us!
Everything in the entire lounge, bar area, and kitchen has been deeply cleaned and disinfected. Ongoing sanitization will take place throughout your visit.
Guests are asked to refrain from visiting us if they are exhibiting symptoms and signs of the Covid-19 illness. We appreciate everyone's support, understanding, and patience as we navigate the required protocols and changes to our operation.
We thank everyone in advance for adhering to the protocols that have been put in place, and for your patience and kindness as we all navigate these difficult times! 💕
We cannot wait to welcome you all to The Krypt, discretely tucked away 'Beyond the Tartan Doors!'
Much love and good health to you all,
Shannon, Dan and our amazing team!